We all remember the images. Russia had just begun its invasion of Ukraine and the Ukrainian government was scrambling to respond. So were everyday Ukrainians. Millions headed for the border with Poland as the government issued a military conscription order. Women, children and old people fled to safety. Males of military age headed in the opposite direction – toward their friendly neighborhood conscription office to be fitted for a uniform, handed a rifle and told to lay down their life for their country and the regime-change aspirations of far-away powers.
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We all remember the images. Russia had just begun its invasion of Ukraine and the Ukrainian government was scrambling to respond. So were everyday Ukrainians. Millions headed for the border with Poland as the government issued a military conscription order. Women, children and old people fled to safety. Males of military age headed in the opposite direction – toward their friendly neighborhood conscription office to be fitted for a uniform, handed a rifle and told to lay down their life for their country and the regime-change aspirations of far-away powers.