Robert, I too was surprised you are quoting Hamas figures. Not sure if you can access this sensible article on the data war in relation to mortality figures. https://www.theaustralian.com.au/commentary/israelhamas-locked-in-data-war-over-true-mortality-figures/news-story/3cbdcc1dd1cd0684ea5a580c595edb85

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Robert, I'm shocked, simply shocked. To parrot Hamas propaganda as you both do explicitly and through the links you share is misguided at best.

To claim that Israel has killed the greatest number of civilians in modern history should raise everyone's eyebrows immediately, not encourage them to repeat that nonsense as fact. 20, 000 women, children, men and combatants are the most killed in any war? There are credible sources which say 10 times that many were killed in a single attack at Hiroshima, INTENTIONALY! An equal number r far greater in the bombing of Dresden, intentionally! Look at the 20,000,000 (20 MILION), Soviet deaths alone in WWII.

Nonsense that you're parroting, and the conclusions drawn from that nonsense are like the computer programs of early computing, where it was frequent to call the output garbage because that was what was into the calculation as well.

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