1 Comment
Sep 26, 2022·edited Sep 26, 2022

The problem is with the extremely long unproductive, un-reproductive years of homo sapiens. He/she needs 11-13 years to grow to puberty and reproduce, in terms of "life history theory": The investment into reproduction in humans is immense, and it is very long-term and very risky (that is why humans used to built "culture" around it). Modern States don´t think long term any longer, they pretend to care about "sustainability in the Amazonas", but they do not really care about anything after the second legislation period - namely how to biologically reproduce their society. In Darwinian terms (and time lapses): Our modern social model is not competitive, we "die ourselves out" in an incredibly short time, thanks to our obsession with production (and not: re-production). T h i s is why "patriarchy/capitalism" is not working, it does not provide incentives and infrastructure for men and women (yes: men reproduce their genes as well!) to biologically reproduce. Instead, it focuses on work and taxes, because that is what keeps the political machine running: taking from the better performing sections, giving it to constructed majorities of voters (women, gays, migrants, elderly). The long-term effects are already irreversible, the future will be less intelligent (the system installs an inverse relationship of reproduction and intelligence - the smarter, the less kids) and blacker (Africa is the only growing continent). Can't outsmart reality, I am afraid! Not reproducing (amid an environment that has materially never been more favorable) is the Darwinian, irreversible Super-GAU. That explains the rhetorical hystericisms of the NYT and their allies.

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